Frenches Forest
The Northern Beaches Hospital (NBH) is a level 5 facility, with 488 beds including a 61-bed mental health unit and a wide range of medical services.
This was a highly complex design and construction project that delivered NSW’s first operator-led healthcare Public–Private Partnership (PPP). The first hospital built on a greenfield site in Sydney in 20 years, the NBH is also the first 4-Star Green Star hospital in NSW, and the second constructed in Australia.
The construction scope included delivery of a 70,000m2 hospital with a 40,000m2 carpark providing 1250 spaces. The hospital includes:
-14 operating theatres,
-50 emergency department spaces,
-two cardiac catheter labs,
-four procedure rooms,
-a state-of-the-art intensive care department,
-six surgical suites and
-commissioning and training facilities.
Northern Beaches Hospital is a dedicated facility for all patients in our local area. It was thoughtfully designed to optimise patient safety and overall experience, and to provide meaningful management and operational efficiencies that benefit everyone.